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The eight things successful people do before 8 AM

The eight things successful people do before 8 AM

Harold Hill says: “People save a multitude of tomorrows and, in the end, have only the yesterdays they lost. Life is more than just the passage of time.”
The goal of this article is to challenge and change your perspective on life, to not take it for granted and to return to the essence of living. Unfortunately, most people’s lives are filled with trivial and insignificant details, leaving little time for activities that give meaning to life. These individuals are simply spending their lives. Are you also just busy passing through life? Like the story of Bilbo Baggins, for many of us, life is like spreading a thin layer of butter on a large piece of bread, while, unfortunately, we don’t even own the bread. But a few people invest time to seize their lives.

One generation before us, the prevailing belief was that we live for others. Many younger individuals continue this pattern because it’s the worldview they are exposed to. However, today, the collective belief is expanding, suggesting that with effort and willpower, you can live your life moment by moment according to your own desires. Your destiny is in your own hands. You are responsible for your life. Decision-making is in your hands. You must decide, and if you don’t make the decision, someone else will. Being indecisive is a poor choice. With a few morning activities every day, your life rapidly changes. It may seem like a long list, but it’s quite simple:
– Wake up.
– Get in the right mindset.
– Get out of your comfort zone.
– Eat a healthy breakfast.
– Get prepared.
– Find a source of inspiration.
– Visualize your day.
– Find motivation to keep moving forward.

1.Get at least 7 hours of good sleep

Sleep is as crucial as eating and drinking. Nevertheless, millions of people around the world don’t get enough sleep, leading to various distressing issues. According to research by the National Sleep Foundation, at least 40 million Americans suffer from 70 different sleep disorders. Furthermore, 60% of adults and 69% of children experience sleep problems at least once a week. Moreover, over 40% of adults experience daytime sleepiness multiple times a month, to the extent that it disrupts their daily activities, and this issue becomes chronic for about 20% of them.
Having sufficient and healthy sleep comes with the following benefits:
Improved memory.
Longer lifespan.
Reduced stress.
Enhanced creativity.
Better focus.
Fat loss and muscle gain through exercise.
Lower anxiety.
Reduced dependence on stimulants like caffeine.
Lower risk of accidents.
Decreased risk of depression.
And many other benefits as well.
If you don’t prioritize sleep, reading the rest of this text will be in vain. When you’ve only had 3 hours of sleep, what does it matter if you wake up at 5 AM? In this state, you won’t have lasting endurance. You can use various stimulants, but their effects won’t be long-lasting, and they can jeopardize your health in the long run. Our goal should be to maintain long-term and sustainable health.

2.Don’t forget meditation and gratitude

After waking up from your sleep, orient yourself positively through meditation, focusing on what you want to expand.
Meditation and gratitude strengthen the feeling of appreciation for what you have. With gratitude, your thinking becomes limitless. When you think limitlessly, you see the world in your hands and imagine endless opportunities and possibilities for yourself. People are like magnets. When you’re grateful for what you have, you attract more goodness and rewards. Gratitude is delightful. Gratitude, which might be the key to success,, the mother of all virtues. When you start your day with gratitude, you naturally draw the best things towards you without getting sidetracked.

3.Engage in regular physical activity

If you want to be healthy, happy, and energetic, make exercise a habit. Many people go to the gym for their workouts, but I’ve recently realized that doing physical activities at home and at the beginning of the day can boost mental clarity and motivation.
Engage in physical activity in any way you prefer, using any method you like. If you neglect your body, other aspects of your life will be affected.

4.Consume 30 grams of protein

As recommended by Donald Layman, a nutrition professor at the University of Illinois, incorporate at least 30 grams of protein into your breakfast. Tim Ferriss, the author of “The 4-Hour Body,” has also advised consuming 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. According to Tim, his father lost 19 pounds (about 5.8 kilograms) in just one month by following this practice. Protein-rich foods keep you satiated for longer because they take more time to digest. Additionally, protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing fainting when hungry. Protein reduces your craving for white carbohydrates, which are known to contribute to weight gain. Examples of such carbohydrates include white bread, doughnuts, and various sugary pastries. Tim offers four recommendations for getting enough protein:
– Get at least 40% of your daily calories from protein in your breakfast.
– You can achieve this by eating 2 or 3 whole eggs. Each egg contains about 6 grams of protein.
– If you don’t like eggs, you can substitute with turkey bacon, sausages, or cottage cheese.
– You can also consume various protein shakes mixed with water.

5.Take a cold shower

Tony Robbins starts his day with a cold plunge into 14-degree Celsius water. Why does he do this?
Immersing yourself in cold water can be beneficial for both your body and mind. Regularly doing so leads to long-term improvements in the immune system, lymphatic glands, blood circulation, and the digestive system, ultimately enhancing your overall quality of life. Cold water exposure can also make weight loss easier by boosting your metabolism. Many people may be initially afraid of getting into cold water. If you’ve tried it before, you might remember standing hesitantly next to the shower. Perhaps you’ve put it off for tomorrow, and then you turned on the hot water. Or maybe you’ve jumped under the cold water but quickly turned it up. What helped me was viewing it like jumping into a cold swimming pool. The initial entry is slow and uncomfortable! You have to dive in. After about 20 seconds, everything becomes normal. The cold shower story is similar. When you step under the shower For a few seconds, your heart beats faster, but after about 20 seconds, you’ll adapt, and it becomes bearable. This practice has the power to boost your willpower, creativity, and motivation. Under the cold shower, while water droplets touch your skin, you practice controlled breathing and achieve a state of calm. After reaching a pleasant state of serenity, you’ll feel an incredible sense of joy and motivation, and numerous ideas will rush to your mind with a high level of motivation to put them into action.

6. Read or listen to uplifting content.

While regular people seek entertainment, successful individuals aim for education and learning. Successful people read at least one book a week. They are constantly in a state of learning. I easily complete one book per week by listening to audiobooks on my way to the university and in its surroundings. Reading or listening to motivational and constructive content for 15 to 30 minutes each morning can bring about positive changes in you. This practice puts you in a state of mind where you will perform at your best.
By doing this consistently, you’ll read hundreds of books over time, acquire knowledge in various fields, see the world differently, and be able to connect various subjects and ideas.

7.Review your life’s vision

You should write down your goals, whether short-term or long-term. Spending a few minutes reviewing these objectives puts you on the right path. By reviewing your long-term goals every day, you will always keep them in mind. If you think about them daily and spend your days working towards them, your goals will be achieved. Achieving goals is a science. There’s no complexity or ambiguity in it. Regardless of how big your goals are, following a simple pattern will lead you to them. The key point is to write them down and review them every day.

8.Take a step toward at least one of your long-term goals

Willpower is like a muscle that gets tired with exercise. Our ability to make decisive decisions diminishes over time. The more decisions you make, the less your quality and determination because your willpower weakens.
Therefore, it’s important to tackle important and foundational tasks early, or they may never get done. By the end of the day when you’re tired, you can find thousands of reasons to postpone tasks until tomorrow. Of course, you might postpone them to tomorrow, but what if tomorrow never comes? So, make this your motto: “Do the hardest thing first.” Do the things that you must do. Repeat this every day. If you take just one step toward your long-term goals every day, you’ll quickly realize that your goals were not as big as they seemed.


By following these steps, regardless of what you do for the rest of the day, you’ve accomplished important tasks. You’ve set yourself on the path to success and come closer to your dreams. By completing these essential tasks, you’ll approach life with better spirits. You’ll work better, have improved social relationships, increased happiness, and greater self-confidence. You’ll also become bolder and more courageous with a clearer perspective. This is how your life will change.
Spending your mornings this way will not be sustainable if you’re faced with unpleasant circumstances. All these things come to an end. They fade away and never come back. You’ll quickly realize that you’re engaged in your favorite work. Your relationships will become stronger, more meaningful, deeper, and enjoyable. You’ll achieve freedom and abundance, and the world and the universe will respond to you in delightful ways.

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